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Compression moulded and some injection moulded parts require deflashing. This is done in various ways depending upon the shape and size of the component and the type of rubber used.
The most modern and efficient method of finishing uses cryogenics. Parts are frozen to temperatures as low as -120°C and then tumbled and/or bead-blasted while cold to remove the brittle flash. The machines are individually programmed with the optimum temperature and running times for each particular type and number of components, which are tested and proven during the development stages.
The tool is designed to produce a very thin section of flash around the part which is torn off at the press during de-moulding.
If required, components can also be hand finished by the following methods:
Parts can be smoothed using a variety of abrasive belts, wheels and mops.
Parts are die cut by machine using a range of tools from precision steel knives to wood-formes, or in extreme cases are trimmed with scissors. Compression moulded and some injection moulded parts require deflashing. This is done in various ways depending upon the shape and size of the component and the type of rubber used.
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